
Saturday, 25 July 2015

Newborough Warren, Abermenai and Forest circular. 7 miles

A good forecast so we were off at ten o clock, light traffic and we were soon there. We parked in the free car park with the yellow work of art, a quick change of shoes and we were off. About a quarter of a mile and we picked up the well marked path across the Warren, a well walked path through the dunes with an abundance of birds and butterflies, when up a few feet we spied the ponies, all colours but we'll away from the path. Before long we had reached the end of the dunes and the gate onto the mudflats, yes it looked muddy and after a few words we went our separate ways, me across the flats which turned out not to be muddy and Sue took the path round the outside, I won by nearly half an hour. I reached Aber Menai point first and sat waiting looking across at Caernarfon, to this point just over an hour. Soon we were walking into the wind towards Llandwyn Island and there was acres of beach as it had just gone low tide. This part of the walk seemed to take forever so we stopped and sat on a piece of driftwood for lunch. Refreshed we carried on but didn't know that since our visit last year the diggers had been in and redesigned the exit from the beach and we walked straight past. We retraced our steps and took the now easy exit from the beach and followed the path through the forest back to the car park, not seeing any red squirrels again. Sore feet and seven miles under our belt. We would recommend this walk to anyone.

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